Consider a simple example where the brain gets confused to know the
temperature of the water. Fill three different bowls namely A, B and C
with water of different temperatures. Let bowl A is of 50 degree
centigrade, bowl B is of 25 degree centigrade and bowl C has water of 5
degree centigrade. Now dip your left hand in bowl A and the right hand
in bowl C. After about 2 minutes put both your hands in bowl B. Now the
same water of bowl B will give a cold feeling to the left hand and a
warm feeling to the right hand. After some critical time interval the
feeling of two different temperatures will cease as the memory records
of the previous conditions of both the hands get replaced by the common
condition of bowl B.
The purpose of the above example is to explain that if any condition or
process of the body is allowed to continue beyond a certain critical
time, the brain will cease to recognize it as a changed condition and
will adopt it as a part of normal body process. On the same principle
the body inherits chronic diseases where the brain loses its power to
recognize it as an abnormal condition. Thus, there can not be a
permanent cure of any disease till the brain is not having a memory
record of its healthy condition or a blueprint of minute symptoms of the
existing disease. The brain needs to have a picture in its memory that
it can use to change the present status of the body to previous
Thus, a simple exercise can be very effective to cure some serious
diseases. The patient should keep visualizing its healthy condition. For
this purpose, the patient should spend most of its time watching his own
photos or videos of the happier days. The patient should also avoid
watching destructive events and should spend maximum time to hear his
favorable music.
We know that viewing any event has an immediate effect on our body. Some
individuals start weeping in the company of weeping persons without even
knowing the main cause of their agony. Don't you think that on the same
principle one can acquire a disease by just watching a diseased person?
Yes, there is a chance if the person gets too sympathetic towards the
sick person and starts visualizing his own image in the sick person.
So, positive thinking will certainly have a good effect.
Homeopathy works on the same principle. The law of homeopathic is two
fold, viz.,
(1) We have a group of symptoms expressing the disease.
(2) We have the same group of symptoms caused by some drug on the
healthy human body.
To cure a disease a drug of similar symptoms is given in a very minute
quantity and of appropriate potency. The magic medicine is prepared
through a process called potentization. Potentization involves a series
of dilutions and a forceful shaking action. The more dilutions and
shaking a substance undergoes, the higher the potency will be. At higher
dilutions (30 potency) the molecules of the original substance cease to
be present in the medicine and only specific form of vibration just like
ripples of water remains in the solvent.
The universe is nothing but a different pattern of vibrations of some
fundamental smallest particle that we have not yet discovered. The
physicists could have discovered the smallest particle of the matter
that fits in their equations but still the smallest is beyond our reach.
We have not yet found the outer boundaries of the universe as well as
the smallest fundamental particle of the matter. This is a major
stumbling block for skeptics when it comes to understanding homeopathy.
The skeptics don't accept that they may be far behind to understand the
complete universe. They do accept that they could not understand more
than 5% of the working of the brain. Even with their 5% knowledge they
try to establish their authority in every field and try to create
misconception among the general public.
Since permanent cure is only possible by the brain, we must not obstruct
its normal curative process. During any acute stage of a disease our
immediate action should be to remove the cause of illness and help the
brain complete its normal curative process. And during the chronic stage
we should only assist the brain to find its right action.
Some case studies are being given here as a general introduction to
homeopathy. Readers are warned not to test them on their own without the
guidance of a qualified doctor. These are just to highlight the power of
Case 1. Old lady was suffering from asthma for the last 40 years. For 38
years she remained on allopathic drugs. Then she shifted to homeopathic
treatment. All well selected medicines specific for asthma failed to
cure. Once she complained of numbness in one arm. Four doses of Ambra
grisea 30 potency were prescribed, as this is a characteristic symptom
of this medicine. Numbness of the arm got cured in a week's time and the
asthma too vanished without any further treatment. She is now 80 years
old and for the last 20 years she never had any asthma attack.
Case 2. A young lady after pregnancy developed piles that protrude
during chronic diarrhea, profuse bleeding and very painful grapes like
hemorrhoids. She remained on homeopathy for two years with no
improvement. Changed many doctors. One doctor prescribed one dose of
Collinsonia 10 M. From the next day the pile and diarrhea disappeared.
No medicine was required any more.