Who is sick ?

Each individual is a separate identity and different individuals react to the same cause separately. So during treatment it is the individual and not the cause that need to be given importance. 

Part of a brain is always busy to defend our body and to keep it fit. Sometimes it has to create some unpleasant and painful conditions to defend the body from some more disastrous conditions. During natural curative activities by the brain the body exhibits certain symptoms, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, pains, excessive sweating or urination etc. These unpleasant symptoms are due to the reactions of brain to defend the body from some more complicated diseases. Thus fever is produced to kill germs that cannot grow at high temperature, vomiting or diarrhoea is produced to empty and clean the bowels, pain is to divert more blood to the affected part etc. These unpleasant symptoms also serve as warning signals to an individual so that faulty living conditions that have created the painful symptoms are rectified at the earliest.