Homeopathy works on the same principle. The law of homeopathic is two fold,
(1) We have a group of symptoms expressing the disease.
(2) We have the same group of symptoms caused by some drug on the healthy human
To cure a disease a drug of similar symptoms is given in a very minute quantity
and of appropriate potency. The magic medicine is prepared through a process
called potentization. Potentization involves a series of dilutions and a
forceful shaking action. The more dilutions and shaking a substance undergoes,
the higher the potency will be. At higher dilutions (30 potency) the molecules
of the original substance cease to be present in the medicine and only specific
form of vibration just like ripples of water remains in the solvent.
The universe is nothing but a different pattern of vibrations of some
fundamental smallest particle that we have not yet discovered. The physicists
could have discovered the smallest particle of the matter that fits in their
equations but still the smallest is beyond our reach. We have not yet found the
outer boundaries of the universe as well as the smallest fundamental particle of
the matter. This is a major stumbling block for skeptics when it comes to
understanding homeopathy. The skeptics don't accept that they may be far behind
to understand the complete universe. They do accept that they could not
understand more than 5% of the working of the brain. Even with their 5%
knowledge they try to establish their authority in every field and try to create
misconception among the general public.