There appears to be a special
system in our body that correlates the realities to some
predefined perceptions to simplify our comprehension
process. We are programmed to feel and believe some
realities in a unique way. Things that we observe may not
necessarily be in the form of our actual comprehension. It
was very difficult to make people believe that the Sun is
not circulating our Earth. Similarly many things that appear
to be real are so because of our wrong perceptions.
There is one more very important
parameter that is always associated with every activity. It
is "time". If any thing exist, it needs to be
available within certain real time period. That is, it
should be physically available in the present time so that
we can sense it by our sensory system or can detect its
effects by scientific means. The time can be divided in
three main segment blocks namely past, present and future.
If we wish to perform any meaningful action by our thinking
system, to induce or try to induce any physical changes in
or around us, we will be required to act in the present time
only. But how exactly we can draw the boundaries between
past, present and future is not so simple since any minute
present time dimension can be further sliced to still
smaller segments of past, present and future. That is, any
present hour of time is a representation of present minute
along with 59 minutes from past and future. And similar is
the case with a minute or a second and so on. In a broader
sense, we don't have any present that can be represented by
certain time period. It seems to be non existent. But, at
the same time, during slicing of the minimum segment of
present time period, even after doing the slicing act
indefinitely, the present will remain existent. It will not
be a zero state but just a zero state.