Even scientists prefer to ignore
some realities to safeguard their own personal gains. With
their money power they have also formed strong lobbies where
they try to safeguard their own existence, fame and gains.
There are countries, governments, political parties,
communities, welfare associations and many underground
organizations that are mainly working for their own
survival. All of them claim to be the well-wisher of human
beings. Their fear and lack of trust among each other has
created a complete jungle of this beautiful Earth. Every one
is trying to possess the weapons of mass destruction. About
90% resources of this earth are being used up for protection
from our own created enemies. But, no one is really bothered
for his or her own battle, namely the security from our own
"death". We consider it to be already lost. The
word "death" is the most hated word but it is the
only reality that forces many of us to seek some hidden
power namely God. In fact our ignorance, fear of insecurity
or any other unfulfilled wish compels us to find some magic
power in the form of God or dirty weapons. Many try to have
both, God and weapons. May be very few have ever imagined
the real God or have tried to find the real purpose of life.