Keep your PC efficient.

The foundation of your online Internet business is based on two main components namely your PC and the Internet connection. Although majority of users adopts annual maintenance contracts to keep their system fit and operational, yet there are some basic routine jobs that should be performed periodically. 

On the very first day of acquiring your computer, make an inventory of your computer hardware and software system. You will need these vital details during calling any maintenance engineer if there is some major fault. Since you can't do it by yourself, get these details from the supplier of your PC. Keep these details in your diary and not in any file of your PC. You will be having serial number and model number. You should also note the model and version numbers of the components that you may add later on during any up-gradation of your PC. It is better to keep all the documents and CDs that accompanies add-on hardware. 

Keep details of your system's configuration by copying and printing a few important system files. The simplest way to preserve your system configuration files is to run the Sysedit program. If you have Windows 95/98/ME, RUN SYSEDIT by typing SYSEDIT in the blank space of your RUN command. It will show all the system files. Save them to a floppy disk and keep a print out. In Windows XP/2000, you can go the details by going to Accessories, System Tools, and System Information. For a Mac make a list of all the INIT and CDEV files.

Keep at least two emergency boot disk. For Win95/98/ME, make the emergency disk by going to Add/Remove Programs control panel. Select the Startup Disk tab, and follow further instructions.

For Windows XP, you can boot directly from the Windows XP CD-ROM. In some cases you may still need a set of boot floppies. 

Keep backing up your important files on regular basis. You can back to floppies, to a Zip disk, to a tape drive or on a secondary hard disk within your computer. If you're running a home-based business, you should invest on a second hard disc or a tape drive. You should also have CD-RW drives to keep a copy of window backup file. You can create window backup by going to Programs/Accessories/System tools.

Always use uninstall program of an application in case you wish to remove any application. You can also try the Windows 95/98/Me/XP Add/Remove Programs Control Panel. Never delete the files by yourself. 

Don't let your computer get hotter. Keep its cooling vents free. Keep a watch on its cooling fan for its smooth operation. Once in every six months blow out the dust form all hardware and key board. Do not wipe the dust with any rag. It should be blown out by compressed air. Your mouse will also require occasional cleaning. You can remove your mouse ball to clean it. Clean the small rollers that holds the mouse by scratching very lightly.

Don't switch off power to your system while it is running. Follow proper shut down to give it due time to flush caches, close files, and save configuration information. Always use a UPS to protect it from power breakdowns.

Keep your PC running fast. The most important step that will make your PC run faster is the defragmenting of your hard drive once in a week. It is better to defragment in Safe Mode.
To start your PC in safe mode..

. Hold down the Ctrl key while restarting. 
. Release the Ctrl key when it says it's running in Safe Mode. 
. Now try to run the Disk Defragmenter. 

Get rid of temporary Internet files.
Too many cookies can also slow your system. Cookies store your userids and passwords and help sites identify you. You can decide if you really need to keep cookies.

Delete all temporary files from your PC. You can go to "Run" and type in %temp% and it will bring up the temp files to erase. 
Hit "select all" and then delete. Don't delete system folders. 

Empty your recycle bin on regular basis.

Get Rid of Gator and Spyware

Use firewall and anti virus software.

Don't download unnecessary free software.