‘Visions of angels
could just be lucid dreams’
Washington: The visions of angels and other religious encounters
described in the Bible could be the products of spontaneous lucid
dreams, sleep researchers claim.
In a sleep study, a team at the Out-Of-Body Experience Research
Center in Los Angeles established that religious tales of angelic
encounters were nothing but a result of lucid dreams, in which one is
aware that he is dreaming.
In the research, 30 volunteers were instructed to perform a series
of mental steps upon waking up or becoming lucid during the night that
might lead them to have outof-body experiences culminating in perceived
encounters with an angel. Half of them succeeded.
Specifically, the participants were instructed to try to replicate
the biblical account in which Elijah, a prophet who awakens, sees an
angel, eats food that wasn’t there before, and goes back to sleep.
This event was chosen because “in terms of verifiable results,
angels were the ideal choice, as Western culture provides a relatively
well-established image for them (wings, white robes, halos, etc)”, lead
researcher Michael Raduga was quoted as saying by LiveScience.
Fifteen of the study participants said they were able to re-create
the story of Elijah during their dream-like experiences, either in part
or in full. Nine of them dreamed of experiences involving both an angel
and food, while the other six encountered only an angel, Raduga said.
Meanwhile, it was calculated that the statistical probability of
seeing an angel as described in the Bible over the course of a lifetime
is about 1 in 5,000, he said.
If he could coach people to dream a realistic religious encounter,
Raduga said, he could prove that many historical accounts of such
encounters are really just products of people’s imaginations.