What is corruption?

When any person acquires wealth/comforts without contributing to the real job or by damaging the useful purpose of any assignment, is a corrupt person. 

It will be very difficult to control corruption by the introduction of new laws.

Corruption can be controlled more efficiently by the use of better information technology.

IT  can help us tackle most of the problems, in fact, this is the only tool of the present  times. We need to act faster than the culprits and we need to make the system transparent not only to the public but also to the persons sitting at the decision making positions. Most our leaders are given the wrong input or they don't get the input at the proper time. We need to computerize the data of every individual and for every movable or immovable item, and for each minute detail that we generally  write on our paper files, for processing, analyzing and monitoring by the statistical and mathematical models for timely warnings and immediate remedial actions.  Remember, there is no escape from it, so it is better to start at the earliest.

Do you know that these babus are the real backbone of our administrative system  for the simple reason that it’s they who handle and maintain all documents related to any work. So a real time data base of the movement of Govt files and storage of soft copy of each noting page at the central data storage system is the need of present hour.  To begin with, the  files movement register of each desk need to be computerized and the file movement record of each table should be monitored by an independent monitoring authority by the use of specially designed software. Each babu, department, its seniors and files should have a unique number. Even a casual leave application should have a number as per  the guidelines of the central file monitoring authority. A babu should be required to update the data base regarding the following three points on every working day:

1. When and from whom the file is received.

2. Soft copy of the page of noting.

3. When and to whom the file is dispatched.

In fact, the complete administrative working should be computerized on the line of  banking system. Most of the data, that can be acquired through RTI act, should be freely available on real time basis by the internet facility.



There is deep rooted corruption that even Anna can't imagine.

We cry of corruption when this great devil is visible to general public through media only. RTI, to some extent, has helped to get it visible to the public but there are many deep rooted bad practices that can shake the basic foundation of this great country.

Central Water Commission is monitoring the life force of our country. Its basic duty is to help Govt know the river related issues for every river of India. It has also been assigned to forecast river flows specially during flood seasons. Initially, ground water studies was also part of its activities but a separate ground water board is formed. The basic support force for the functioning of these organizations is history of past data related to river flow and ground water levels.

Rivers are like veins of a living body; and as such, mismanagement of rivers proves to be suicidal in the long run. River management system is a vast subject which includes low flow or flood forecasting, reservoir regulations, development and maintenance of engineering structures and water quality monitoring etc.

Engineering structures like dams, reservoirs, bridges etc., are not like toys that can be re-build after finding some new parameters suggesting their improved designs. Generally, an engineering structure is never re-build till it completes its estimated life time or till it breaks down due to poor design or material. And if a structure is too strong, more than its actual requirement, the enormous wasteful expenditure will never come to light.

For precise design of engineering structures archive rainfall and river flow data is a primary requirement.

But, generally the junior engineers engage a Khilasi (peon/attendant) to observe river gauge specially during rainy nights when no body will dare to go near river banks.  Even the data in many cases is manipulated by the Khilasi as there is no body to crosscheck it. Similarly, for rainfall observations, the IMD is taking assistant from schools and village heads from all over the country.

Records reveal that history of data recorded before independence is exceptionally accurate as being recorded now. 

Saddest part of it is that during flood forecasting, the executive engineer passes the forecast results to junior engineers engaged for recording river gauge. Almost every executive engineer all over the country is able to show forecasting performance within prescribed range of error by using forecast formulation methods by using  past data which is mostly unreliable.   Can Anna's Jan Lokpal check this type of corruption?

A possible solution is that each organization  should be divided in two parts mainly a processing unit and a observation unit. Both units should be independent from each other so that officers from one unit don't get authority to influence the other unit. .

An external agency like comptroller and auditor general should be allowed to examine every department specially Central Water Commission for its usefulness compared to total expenditure required to maintain it. On the similar lines we need to have a independent monitoring agency to examine operational drawbacks of organisations.

Corruption can be controlled by better technology.

After the introduction of computers, computer based mathematical models has become an important part of engineering services in water resources development studies and real time river flow forecasting purposes. In the mathematical and hydrological models and conventional procedures, the results during their real time application depend on the correctness of their approach and the period and accuracy of data used to calibrate them.

In central Water Commission, several persons have been trained and exposed to computer based models related to river management system under different World Bank / UNDP schemes. But, to them, the foreign acquired models which represent a very complex logic supported by huge software package of several thousand lines, create such an illusion that some of them, who are a little familiar with software, never dare to know the exact software locations where the actual calculations of their familiar equations are carried out. Now the foreign countries has stopped providing source code  of their computer packages because they prefer us to be always dependent on them.

Generally, when any application, well tested by hand calculations, is transferred to a computer system, we just develop the software to follow the same steps of hand calculations without much knowledge that the computers are not only to increase the speed of processing but are capable of simplifying the entire procedure of processing. The hydrologists remain dominant to the whole plan of development leaving programmer as a mere tool for processing operation. If the hydrologist is well familiar with the power of computers, he can design his theories more adventurously.

With newer generation of computers flooding  the market every six months, more refined theories and software procedures are bound to be developed by the advance countries. 

In the year 1984 I got a chance to know the computer technology when I was posted to the computer section of the Upper Yamuna Circle, CWC, in India. An UNDP aided Pilot project (No. IND/85/058) for improvement of river forecasting system in India was in progress. At that time I was not having any computer knowledge and was completely unfamiliar with any programming language.

A number of foreign acquired hydro-meteorological mathematical models were being installed on the HP-1000 main frame computer which was being linked to fourteen remote sensing stations through a dedicated telemetry data collection network. Some of these were SSARR model developed by North pacific div. of US corps of Engineers, HEC-1F developed by Hydraulic Engineering centre, USA, NCL _ NLM Model model from Czechoslovakia and MIKE-11 model developed by Danish Hydraulic Institute.

I was able to understand the core structure of the flood forecasting models because of my exploring nature. During this period I could acquire the knowledge of Fortran-77 computer language and could understand  operation of main frame HP-1000 computer.

As the foreign acquired models were not giving satisfactory results I was impressed upon to develop India's own flood forecasting model; and a CWCFF1 model was developed. CWCFF1 model was based on new routing theory that I could invent in a just 10 minutes while I was analyzing stored actual data . I was also able to develop PEM-FF and CWC Unit Graph models. Not only the scientific part, but also the complete software were designed by a lone person like me. But to get excellent reports from my senior officers and to manage my posting at the main office at Delhi, I have to write the paper for these models with their names on the first places. In addition to that, I could develop the real time database and its link to all the models and the telemetry data collection net work. The activity of the UNDP project was considered to be so important that almost every fortnight some VIP was visiting the computer centre. Several hydrologists form the neighbouring countries like Pakistan, Japan and China were shown the India's modern technology in the making.

When the UNDP project was over and all the foreign tours were utilized by the senior officers, they managed to get their postings to other better places. In the end I too was transferred from the computer centre and no body cared to preserve my  research and development work and every thing along with CWCFF1 model, PEM-FF and CWC Unit Graph models got buried along with the outdated HP-1000 computer. I could see the magnetic tapes lying in the corridors and the computer room being redesigned to begin an another similar project.  

During my next posting at the River Data Directorate, I could develop Hydrological Data Maintenance And Processing System (HYD-MAPS). It remained in use during my stay in the River Data Directorate.  Many years of daily gauge, discharge and sediment data was being maintained by its use. It may be mentioned here that the World Bank consultants after seeing the demonstration India's HYD-MAPS, included its users log book feature in their own HYMOS.  But again, myself and the indigenous data base was uprooted to accommodate a foreign acquired data base model namely "HYMOS" from Netherlands. CWC's transfer policy was used to throw me away to please the caretakers of "HYMOS". At this time I decide to take my premature retirement as it was a great setback to see my work going to drain again and again.

Every senior officer used to encourage me for my research and development work not for the sake of actual work but to find something impressive for the resumes of their own confidential reports. Any good work used to survive till it was associated with the foreign tours and other benefits.

I remember the two most remarkable happenings that need to be mentioned here to complete the scenario.

1. Once we were having tea with the foreign experts from the Denmark during lunch break of a training session. The training session was meant to select the participants for further fellowship at Denmark. There was a great battle like atmosphere. The participants were using their all resources and energy to win the fellowship. One senior officer got a novel idea to win the favor of a foreign consultant by expressing like this:

"Sir, your country doesn't have any big rivers at all, even then you have developed wonderful flood forecasting model that suits our huge rivers. How could you do that when you don't have rivers to test them on real time basis".

The foreign consultant smiled with proud and pointed his finger to his head and said, " We have got this". The officer nodded his head with a childish smile. Later he got the ticket to Denmark for six months fellowship.

2. My self was also selected, but for different reasons. The fellowship was awarded to me as a prize for helping the foreign consultants to link their MIKE-11 model with our telemetry supported real time data base system. Also, the consultants were too eager to know from me all the details of CWCFF1 model and the PEM model, which I could develop from scratch. These models, even at the development stage, were being used for actual real time forecasts for the river Yamuna at Delhi and Mawi. The foreign acquired models like SSARR (USA), HEC1F (USA), NCL-NLM (Czechoslovakia), Mike-11 (Denmark) never gave satisfactory results. The foreign consultants used to cover their failures by putting the blame on the accuracy of our archive data, but the achievements by CWCFF1 model put them all in the dock. A senior officer presented a paper on CWCFF1 model at Geneva and the same was published in "Hydrology of Disasters, WMO". Although, I was the inventor of all the theories and software designs for the CWCFF1 and PEM model, I came to know about its fame at Geneva only through Mr. J. C. Refsgaard, Project Manager CWC/DHI project. He was too keen to know about all its details from me. Peter from Czechoslovakia had once told me that, " had you been in my country I would have absorbed you in my department".

I realized that it would not be in the interest of my research work to waste six months at Denmark for the sake of few exercises on the Mike-11 model, which I was sure, will not succeed for the unique characteristics of Indian rivers.

When I expressed my unwillingness to accept the fellowship, a senior officer tried to convince me by saying like this:

" Mr. Rishiraj, forget about work. Go and enjoy your life at Denmark. No body goes there for the sake of work. People will call you a fool if you miss this chance. You will never get this chance again in your life. You must know that your CWCFF1 and PEM-FF models will disappear one day as CWC is not a research organization. They are alive till you are handling them. No body is fool enough to break his head on other's research work without any personal benefit. Take one more day to think over or give in writing that you are not accepting the fellowship due to your family reasons."

I opted not to go. But after some time realized that the senior officer was most experienced in his own field as he rightly forecasted the death of all my research work including the most sophisticated real time data base and the vast telemetry system.

Such scenario is dominant in our country. We talk of ills of corruption, transparency and reforms of the administrative system etc. But most of us act only when our own self-interest is involved. Here the transparency is required to the administrators who wish to reform their own organization. Before I took my retirement I had written to The Secretary, MOWR, Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Delhi to let me continue my development work but the powerful lobby blocked its early action and I left CWC. Had there been a scientific system for reliable and fast communication, complete transparency for officers sitting at the top, and most importantly for the public that owns this country, my research and development work would not have gone to drain.

Now CWCFF1 model is just a history. People are still mentioning it in their papers. You can see its mention in Google search for "CWCFF1"

Corruption killed the CWCFF1 model , PEM model  and HYD-MAPS because some babu manipulated the transfer policy to favor someone for his own tea-paani. 


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