If you advertise at any print media and display your similar Ad here, people can immediately view extra details along with images, movie which otherwise will be very costly or even not possible by the news paper Ads. Lot of people are placing their matrimonial Ads and other classified Ads in the news papers. Now a days people are also displaying their Ads on web sites. Both advertising methods have their own limitations. Print media is too costly and localized as compared to internet marketing where as web advertising is even available free. But, Ads displayed on web sites are not easily traceable. 


The replyat.com is like a bridge between the two advertising media. It helps harness all benefits of both the media by best utalising their specific plus points.


If people can retrieve extra details on their mobiles while reading a news paper classified, it will give a great advantage to the advertiser.


The mobile version of www.replyat.com is designed for this specific utility. Just consider the following sample Ad that is published at some news paper

Boy wanted for Veg, Brahmin 27 / 5' 6" PG MED 1st Year. Caste no bar. M: 9811100111 or replyat.com/5673211


Boy wanted for Veg, Brahmin 27 / 5' 6" PG MED 1st Year. Caste no bar. M: 9811100111 or contact 5673211 at replyat.com

For this Ad the reader can immediately retrieve extra details and photo of the publisher from any mobile by typing replyat.com/567321 at the mobile based browser. For any PC, the publisher can also display a youtube.com movie for impressive personality show . The reader will have option to exchange messages by chat mail etc.


It has also provision to display any other type of classifieds to attract users to their mobile based web sites .  There is a provision to have independent guest book and chat facility for each classified  to help people post their response from their mobiles to fix up a meeting.


People can even keep their phone no or email ids confidential to protect them from junk responses in the future. 


The PC based section of the site is also for job seekers and job providers. Once you have created a Classified Ad for your business,  Advertise your vacancies and process resumes by our most efficient recruitment system. You can select  candidates directly from our database by a quick and user friendly query system. Once you have created the vacancy details you can Place a link of your advertised vacancy at your site to attract visitors. Or you can advertise vacancy Ad at any print media as shown below.

Urgently required graphic designer with sufficient experience in flash and animation.  www.replyat.com/99342

Same Ad if displayed at your own web site can be advertised as below.

Urgently required graphic designer with sufficient experience in flash and animation. Apply for Vacancy No. 99342 at www.yoursite.com

There are people who has nice ideas. They can display their contents and get comments and suggestions from the public.


They can receive comments/suggestions from the public by displaying a newspaper Ad as shown below.

Do God really loves all. replyat.com/17161035

The above article can also be seen on mobile browsers.