The line X' Y' is passing
through the centers of B and C. This line is
supposed to be reaching the end of the universe
on both sides. N and N' are the only two points
on the line X' Y' which are taken into
consideration to work out the resultant effect
of push rays which are passing through them
along with the objects B and C. We can see that
the line X' Y' is nothing but a series of points
similar to N and N' from where the other set of
push rays can pass and effect the two objects B
and C. Now, I will work out the effect of all
the push rays passing through B and C while
crossing from each point on the line X' Y'.
If I rotate the tangent ST
anticlockwise over the circumference of object C
till it becomes parallel to X'Y', angle
will become equal to zero, or the point N' will
go to the end of universe towards right hand
side. Therefore, the resultant force by all the
push rays crossing the line N'Y' and the object
B and C will be as under: