The history tells us that those who could handle the technology of their  time remained the masters. There was a time of swords and arrows,  of guns,  tanks,   planes,  satellites and nuclear arms. Now, it is the time of computers and IT. The next technology that will change the shape of this world is neuroscience. 


Nature has created obstacles not to kill a system but to encourage its living creatures to develop better systems. Had there been no obstacles, failures, desire for comforts, fear of death, fear of insecurity and enemies, there would have been no inventions and discoveries. There would have been no Gandhi, Buddha, Einstein or Hitler. Even we would have never felt the need for a religion or GOD. 

The following most baffling discoveries and inventions that He wish us to solve are likely to remain unsolved till the earthlings are mature enough to adopt the new findings.

1. Functioning of brain

2. Taking backup of human memory

3. Reading brain memory by external source.

4. Interchanging brain memory of two brains.

5. Using another person's brain on real time basis.

6. Reading brain status of any creature.

7. Purifying the corrupt minds of criminals by correcting Neural Circuits of the brain .

8. Scientific verification of rebirth.

9. Going to places without your body and using other's body to watch and smell.

Remember, the future wars will be fought by just crippling brain functioning of enemies by sending vibrations from a brain through some wireless type system. 

When we will have a system to read and transfer brain signals of a person on real time basis to another person, the blind will be able to see by using other person's eyes.

It is not a joke. It is likely to happen by some very simple technology.  Our ancient literature has shown that these have been already achieved in the past.

Let India be the first to unfold such technologies