This sample page shows how vacancies of your organization can be displayed at your site.
Following vacancies are available.
How to advertise vacancies and process resumes of applicants: 1. Get registered as a user 2. Place Classified Ad of your business 3. Submit vacancy details for any no of vacancies. 4. Place the following code at a suitable place of your web site page. 5. Use our online recruitment system to process resumes, shortlist candidates and send automatic emails for interviews. What you will gain: 1. You will use our unique online recruitment system and recruit best talents with minimum efforts. 2. You will encourage visitors to come back to your site to search new vacancies. 3. Visitors visiting our site will also view vacancies and Classified Ad of your organisation. 4. You will get more real traffic to your site. 5. The logo of your classified Ad will be visible to a visitor at many pages of recruitment section. Your logo will be visible to all those who will be visiting our site to apply for your vacancies. The Script that you will use for your page: <table width="700" ><tr> <td> ** Place script of box shown below in any table of your web site page. The table width is to be kept as 700 only
** Before you use this script, replace AdNo ( 10019128 ) by your own Classified Ad No.
You can also use any of the following Google Module to display your vacancies on any website
To get code for this gadget click here To get code for this gadget click here Procedure Explained to include above gadgets