


Google Sitemap

Google Sitemaps is an easy way for you to help improve your coverage in the Google index.

Learn how to create sitemap file in XML formate.





Google has implemented a program where any webmaster can submit a Sitemap for a quick, easy and constantly indexing of a site by Google

There are different options to submit a site map but an XML generated file is most appropriate for this purpose. XML is similar to HTML and it is used to syndicate your content to all interested parties. 

Google is really asking webmasters to share its work that is basically being done by the Googlebot. Thus, webmasters will have more control on submitting their site pages to Google. Google will continue its old procedure but those who will submit their site maps directly will get noticed much faster.

However, indexing a site with Sitemaps won't improve rankings in Google but getting your due position at the earliest is certainly going to make much difference. You will be at least senior to many for a certain time period till their new contents are indexed by the old procedure of indexing. 

By using Sitemaps you can make sure all your important pages are crawled and indexed at the earliest.

We are giving here a free ASP script that any webmaster can use to create a Sitemap in XML format. Once you have created the account to submit your unique Sitemap file to google, you will be required to create a Sitemap file unique to your site. Although it can be developed manually but no body will like to waste lot of time when a simple script can do all the work. 

Your Sitemap file will be similar to XML code shown below. It is just for two pages. If your site is having enough pages, you will definitely require some script to simplify its creation and regular updating.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="http://www.google.com/schemas/sitemap/0.84">
<loc> http://www.freepromopage.com/health.htm</loc>

Let's begin...

Create your sitemap account for google. You can learn complete details about site maps once you login to google's sitemap area. You will also find many other resources to generate your site maps. But, here you are going to learn the art that can be used to create any complex site maps for unlimited number of web site pages absolutely free. 

Copy the script shown below to your web site. Before you copy make some changes in the script as explained within the script. You can give name to your ASP script as sitemap.asp and if you have copied it to your root directory of your site ( www.yoursite.com ), run it by using www.yoursite.com/sitemap.asp . Your sitemap file namely sitemap.xml will be created in any sub-folder of your choice. Before using the script you should create a subfolder specifically for this purpose. The new subfolder should have write, read and delete permission so that the ASP script could create the file without any error. Don't try to create the file at the root directory as you will up-load the file here (root directory) after making some changes by editing the file by some free xml editor that you can download at your local computer. Once you have created the file by using the ASP script you will need to download it to your local computer to make some changes. You may require removing some unwanted links from your sitemap file. We don't think that further extensive details are required as this job is supposed to be carried out by a webmaster.

Copy the ASP file from here.

