Who is sick?

If you are not leading a comfortable life; from any reason, you are not strong enough to face the society.  You may be sick.


Sickness need not be always associated with the well-defined names of several diseases. The names of diseases are in fact the labels for different magnitude of damages that already have occurred due to well grown disease. The mind which manages the body functions may not be working to its full efficiency during several short intervals of depressions, fear, anger,  negative thinking or unpleasant shrouding. To have a healthy body you need to have a healthy mind. 

Generally, the following symptoms are of a healthy person.

  • Completes a natural peaceful sleep  from 6 to 8 hours and wakes up fresh without any alarm clock. 

  • Needs to sleep only ones in 24 hours.

  • Bowels get cleared within half an hour on waking up in the morning. Needs only 5 minutes to clear the bowels.

  • Can walk up to 5 miles without getting tired.

  • Body weight proportional to height.

  • Always cheerful face.

  • Never have any ill will for others.

  • Not afraid to support truth.

A disease's first symptom comes in the form of failures in any field and lack of will power to succeed in your desired goal.  Sick individuals are more likely to be the losers in any field as they are not fit to compete with others due to poor physical or mental health.  It is not only the physical and mental fitness but the character and behavior of an individual too starts showing unnatural activities.  The sick person will generally find it difficult to mix-up with the society. For example,  those who  start weeping on hearing music will be left alone by the lovers of music. Habit to find faults in others is a great mental symptom of some suppressed chronic disease. A wife will be always  lecturing her husband on irrelevant subjects even if he is reading an important article, or is just going to office.  So, your success is not only related to your health but also the health of people around you.  Majority of divorces are the result of faulty behavior of a life partner, which in fact could have been cured by some well selected medicines. 

To succeed in any field an individual has to remain healthy in all respects, as only a healthy can take right decision at an appropriate time and can accomplish tasks efficiently, without harming others. 

So, a disease not only crates painful and unpleasant physical symptoms in the body but also changes mental behavior that is associated with overall character and personality of the individual. These symptoms start showing their shadows the moment a disease begins to start and can prove to be of great help to select an appropriate medicine at the earliest.






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