The robot drones have revolutionized the face of warfare


Warriors can fight by using drones to attack targets, not from the seat of the F16 but from a darkened ground control station, by using a remote-controlled Predator, a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) which can spy on and attack positions and personnel without risk to its controller, shooting deadly Hellfire missiles at enemy fighters in support of fellow soldiers. Intelligence analysts can see images on real time and can identify personnel on the ground.
The drones are dramatically tilting the war benefits in favour its owners. It is said that the F-35 that took decades to develop at a cost of more than half-a-billion dollars each will be the last manned fighter aircraft. The US may soon opt to sell off F-35 to the other countries before it is going to loose its credibility in comparison to drones. Drones and robots are going to rule the world in near future.

Robotic aircraft have taken to the skies, finding increasing use in military applications, law enforcement, environmental monitoring, and also becoming popular among hobbyists who want to build their own drones.

These unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, have varied degrees of autonomy, though typically they depend on GPS and also on supervision from a human operator, who can send commands to the aircraft and receive images from its on-board cameras.

Now researchers at McGill University's Mobile Robotics Lab, in Montreal, Canada, are making these smart aircraft a bit smarter. They've developed a UAV control system that uses aerial images to identify visual cues on the landscape and steer the aircraft autonomously.

Aerial vehicles guided by advanced vision capabilities could help track wildfires, oil spills, and even animal herds. The aircraft would carry out monitoring and mapping missions requiring no human supervision or GPS coordinates.