
I am giving below an example of gravitational attraction based on the Newton's law which explains mathematically:

Where is the mass of one body, that of the other, r the distance between their centers, G the constant of gravitation and F the force with which the bodies attract each other.

In fig. 1, consider six similar cubes of matter lying side by side and each having their mass equal to m grams and sides equal to 1 cm each.

fig - 1

According to the law of gravitational attraction the force of attraction between 5 and 6, 4 and 6, 3 and 6, 2 and 6 and 1 and 6 will be as under:



The cubes 1 to 5 are touching each other and can be considered as a single block A-B of 1X5X1 cms with its mass equal to 5 m. The force of attraction between the block A-B and cube 6 will be as under:


We know that the F should be equal to Therefore,

Or                                                                                  1.46 = 0.56

This shows that the gravitational formula is not perfect in the mathematical form also.