
A study of resultant effect of push rays on fast moving objects will be more interesting. Every two objects in the universe is producing a kind of shadow between them by blocking push rays from their other sides. Different patterns of shadows are formed by the resultant effect of different shadows by different objects and an object will get a push towards the area of more darkness. For fast moving objects the pattern of a shadow by them will be more complex as the moving objects will create a new shadow for their new position before their previous shadow is eliminated by the push rays coming from all around the universe.  


Just consider an event explained below in fig 1 to 5. Let two objects a and b shown at 1 appear in the universe at a distance of one light year between them. Since the push rays can be considered to be traveling with the velocity of light, they will experience attraction between them after a period of one year. 


Now again consider that these objects start moving parallel to each other with the velocity of light. The shadows of push rays will take the form as shown in fig -6. That shows that the objects will not have any visible attraction between them. That is, the direction of push between them will be opposite to their path of motion.



let me explain it more clearly by using fig-7. Here the objects are moving with half the velocity of light.

Fig - 7


Object A and B have moved to new positions A' and B' in one second. They are moving parallel to each other with half the velocity of light. The pushing particles which were striking A at x and B at y have reached x' and y' during the period in which A has reached A' and B has reached B'. Similarly A' and B' are continuously unblocking the path of striking particles behind their previous positions. This will create a shadow of reduced pressure as shown by sky blue color. The objects will experience force of push towards this reduced pressure area. That is, visible attraction between the objects will take a 45 degree turn.

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