

 New Gravitational formula  

Force of attraction F between two spherical objects with masses and is equal to push constant K multiplied by product of masses and angle of their common intersecting tangent. 

Mathematical derivation of formula


On the assumption of the hypothesis of push rather than attraction I have worked out the new gravitational formula. We know that every matter in the universe consists of few scores of more elementary particles, and all particles have got some mass. There must be a smallest particle capable of blocking a single push particle. I will call them 'Anu'. Anu is the smallest particle in the form of matter having some mass and the push particles are still smaller of almost zero mass.

To work out the gravitational formula consider the diagram shown below:



An Anu N is lying near a spherical object B with radius P. Anu N is lying at a distance 'd' from the centre of the object B. B is having density just enough to block all the universal push particles. Also, the push particle rays are not capable of passing through the Anu N. All the push rays coming from right hand side and passing between the lines NM and NK will not reach the object B. Similarly all the push rays coming from left side and passing between the lines Jn and Ln will not reach the Anu N. Under this condition both the object B and Anus N, will experience a force of push towards each other. Let us extend the lines JK and LM on both sides up to the end of universe and rotate them clock wise along the axis X'Y' so that we can imagine two big cones with their vertex touching at N.

Now imagine a thin spherical shell A with radius r so that p+r = Anu N is located at the centre of spherical shell A.

Let, total force experienced by the surface of the spherical shell A by all the push rays coming from every corner of the universe but passing through its centre only be M dynes. Here it is supposed that the rays are completely blocked by the surface of the shell A.



Now consider a thin element of the shell bounded by two parallel planes EF and CD at a distance x and  x + dx from N. The slice has radius equal to y and width EC ( not dx ).



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