Here 'M' can also be
explained as the total force experienced by the
smallest Anu when the push rays are striking it
from all sides, and from (iii) we get the force
experienced by Anu N in presence of a object B
which is supposed to be completely blocking the
push rays that are trying to pass through its
body and reach Anu N. The value of M is constant
for every location of the universe. It is the
highest possible force per unit area that can
ever be created. In fact, it may be the effect
of force M that we recognize in different form
of forces. But, in this universe, which is
crowded by unlimited floating objects, there
can't be a place where we can have full strength
of push rays concentration.
I have considered that the
object B is having the highest possible density
to completely block the push rays. In case of
lighter density, some push rays will pass
through it and strike the Anu N. This will
neutralize the effect of some push rays which
are pressing Anu from the right side, and that
will make it less attractive to object B. So,
the force with which Anu will be pushed towards
B will depend on the density of B and will
increase as the density will increase.
Force of attraction between N and B
Density of B .......
The force will also
increase if the volume of b is increased.
Force of attraction between N and B
Volume of B .......