

Transmission and formation of different rays

We know that the speed of waves throughout the entire frequency range (in vacuum) is same as speed of light. This shows that all the waves are dependent on some common factor which is responsible for their speed. Whether two different kinds of waves are produced by entirely two different methods, they have their common property of fixed speed in vacuum. This shows that the speed of a wave may be due to some independent factor which is already present in the universe. Or, something with its own speed is already present which help carry the energy of different pattern of waves. The universe is not so complex as we presume it  by analyzing it by our many complex equations. A little wrong beginning takes us to entirely different direction. We can also assume that every space of the universe is filled with the push particles moving in all directions with the speed of light.

There is also a possibility that these particles are not actually moving in a straight line but are vibrating in different unique patterns and passing their pattern of motions to their surrounding particles, just like ripple of water. The ripple of water is a two dimensional phenomena where as push particles may be creating ripples in three dimensional space

It may look strange as how a push particle can move so fast in a straight line path when its entire passage is blocked with similar particles. May be, push particles are not like spherical objects. They may be resembling with a small piece of spring coil and their path of motion should resemble with the structure of that spring coil.


Their surface is almost frictionless and are covering straight passage but are forced to move in a  spiral passage by the push particles coming from different directions. As push particles coming from all directions cannot pass from a single point location, they have to move in a spiral passage to give way to other particles coming from all other directions. They do not lose their speed after hitting an Anu as they don't have any mass or momentum and are moving by the push by similar particles just behind them. The push particles moving behind each other in a spiral path forms a push ray which can be considered to be the finest possible ray of our universe. They can generate highest possible force per unite area during any obstacle in their path of motion.

When a push ray passes through a burning flame it picks up some free particles of the flame and carries them along with it at its own speed. Thus the push rays that are dragging along some particles from flame represent a light ray. Similarly different type of rays are formed depending upon the type of medium through which push rays are passing.