As per my observation
regarding the above experiment there seems to be
one very simple flaw in the Michelson-Morley
experiment due to which it was not capable to
prove whether the ether wind or any other
substance exists or not.
In the experiment both the
beams were made to travel in the opposite
directions after reflection from the mirrors.
Thus a beam of light have traveled half of the
distance in one direction and the next half in
opposite direction. Now, suppose one beam of
light is traveling from East to West during
first half of its path before reflection and the
wind of ether is moving from West to East, the
speed of light should reduce according to
Michelson and Morley due to opposite direction
of ether. But, when the beam of light starts
traveling from West to East after reflection,
the wind of ether should increase its speed.
And, as the beam of light is traveling same
distance in both the directions, it will always
cover its total distance from East to West and
West to East at the same interval of time
irrespective of the speed and direction of the
ether. Or, the average of two speeds, the one
from East to West and second for West to East,
will always come out to be same as the speed
lost in one direction will be gained in the
other direction.
In my opinion nothing is
vacant in our universe and space is occupied by
smallest push particles moving in all directions
in different pattern of spiral paths. The points
around which these particles are crossing each
other during their movement can be considered to
be stationary for the purpose to find the true
speed of heavenly bodies.