

Speed of the Earth

As there is some medium in which all the galaxies are moving we can find the speed of our earth and also the speeds of other heavenly bodies with respect to that medium. At present we have worked out the speed of the earth with respect to other planets which themselves are moving in different directions. I am explaining here a procedure that can be used to find out the true speed of earth.  

In the figure shown above, CI is a plane board with a hole at its centre and m is a mirror. The distance between M and CI is maximum possible and is not less than a few Kilometers. Mirror M is exactly parallel to board CI. Here the complete apparatus is lying in the North South direction.

Now when the light is passed through O it should return on the same path if the surface of the earth is stationary with respect to the medium that contains the universe. But, since the surface of the earth at the equator is moving towards east we should not expect the light to return on the same path and let it strikes the board CI at P. We know that the light or any fast moving particles take a path which is always independent of the path of the source. The surface of the earth has tyravelled a distance OP by the time the light has travelled from OM and MP.

Again, let the complete apparatus is brought perpendicular to the surface of the earth so that the board CI takes the position of board C2. Board C2 is parallel to the surface of the earth. Now if the light is passed through O it should return on the same path if the earth is not having any speed in the horizontal plane including North and South. If the earth is having some speed towards North also the light should strike somewhere at Q.

Similarly keep the apparatus in East West position i.e., perpendicular to the first position. Board CI will take the position of board C3. Again see the position of returning beam of light and let it strikes at R. In figure II O'P', O'Q' and O'R' are parallel and equal to OP, OQ and OR. From O'P', O'Q' and O'R' a cuboid is completed as shown. O' is joined with its opposite angle at T. The vector TO' will give us the true speed of the surface of earth without associating it with any other heavenly object. Since the figure II of cuboid is a three dimension figure, O' T (blue colour  line ) is not representing the actual dimension and direction of the earth's speed as the figure is drawn on a two dimensional page. 

Practically it would be very difficult to perform such type of experiment due to three reasons. Firstly, the displacement of the returning beam of light will be too small for precise measurement. Secondly, it will not be almost possible to make the mirror M exactly parallel to the board CI by geometrical means ( without using any device that require lens or light ). Thirdly, because of its size of few kilometers.

In fact we can reduce the distance between mirror and board by using mirror in place of board too to allow multiple reflections for the same beam of light.